Grief can feel very isolating

As women, we are often taking care of others, be that family, friends or through work and so when we are hit with grief, our own self-care and bereavement can sometimes take a back seat.

Regardless of how recent your bereavement may be we don’t want to burden our family and friends with our grief, which is where this membership comes in.

This is a safe, non-judgemental space where you can be completely free and honest with your emotions, where you can express exactly how it is, how broken you are, how lonely you feel, how angry it has made you.

Everyone’s grief is different, no one grief is greater than someone else’s, it is but your own and Women’s Grief Support Circle is here to help you navigate your path, in whatever way you need it.

Private Membership

This a women only membership and is completely private to paying members. There are group rules to ensure everyone feels comfortable to be able to express their true feelings with zero judgement. The memberships’ foundations are based on love, kindness, compassion and respect.

Private Facebook Group

This is where the fortnightly discussion threads will take place and is a members only group. Anyone who is a member, is allowed to post and share in the group. It is a place of support, understanding, compassion and kindness and if you feel the need to swear and have a good shout and moan - it’s good for that too!

Guest Speakers

The aim is to have a Guest Speaker once a month, which will be delivered through Zoom. You will be provided with the link details and how to access the event.

Guest Speakers will be those who can help with our grief, self-care and information providers too.

If there is anyone you have come across that you feel would make an informative speaker, let Anna know and she will invite them.

Self-Help Care

Self-help can sometimes feel a little overwhelming, especially when we are exhausted and so the hints and tips that will be shared are easy, simple ideas that you can even do whilst walking the dog or cooking tea.

There will also be more in-depth tools and techniques that you can use, like meditation, journaling, breathing exercises and creative activities.

And of course, if you have tried something that has worked for you, please do feel free to share it with others.

Fortnightly Discussion Thread

This is where I will post questions once a fortnight with a certain theme, that we can then all discuss. It could be ‘What is the one thing you wish people wouldn’t say when you are grieving?’

or ‘Has anyone used a charity for support? If so which one and how did they help?’

These will then be summarised in the Newsletter for those who are not on Facebook.

What if I’m not on FaceBook?

Don’t worry, you will receive regular newsletters via email, which will share the topics of discussion and any questions that have been posted in the FaceBook group.

Our fortnightly gatherings take place using Zoom and again you will receive the details on how to access this in the Newsletter.

Become a Founding Member of Women’s Grief Support Circle at only £15 a month for life, before the joining price increases to £20 a month and start your journey through bereavement…

Women's Grief Support Circle - Founding Members Offer
Every month

Are you still or recently bereaved? Do you not want to burden your family and friends with your grief? Women's Grief Support Circle is a safe, private on-line space where you are free to express your feelings with no fear of judgement. It is your grief and only yours and the Circle is here to help and support you. Please note this is a Founding Member for life price and will be increased to £20 per month, after the Founding Membership offer ends.

✓ Self-care tips and resources
✓ Guest Speakers
✓ Private Facebook Group
✓ Fortnightly Discussion Threads
✓ Unlimited lifetime access